This summer, give your garden a new lease of life!

Dona Rosa
This summer, give your garden a new lease of life!
Gardens make any home even more beautiful and the truth is that they also provide quality of life and well-being.  Having a well-kept garden is the dream of many people and, as such, regardless of the size, the cleaning has to be done regularly. So, take advantage that summer is coming and dedicate yourself to cleaning your garden, giving it a new life! Here are Dona Rosa's tips:
  • Use a lawnmower, especially in large spaces and with relief, as this is an effective method and can reach even the most difficult areas
  • Use a garden cleaner to clean the garden down to the smallest detail. This allows you to sweep and water, adjusting the jet according to the needs.
  • Use an electric saw to prune branches or trees that may compromise your family's safety.
  • If your garden is large, the blower will be your best friend. It is the ideal equipment to clean the dry leaves that fall on the ground, thus preventing the proliferation of fungi and pests. 
Whether it is a house, a condominium or even a public space, a garden requires time, dedication, special care and adequate tools. Therefore, counting on specialized help can optimize and simplify the maintenance of your garden. Dona Rosa has a wide range of partners renowned for their excellence in the field of landscaping and gardening, who will enable you not only to create a personalised project for your garden, taking into account your preferences and needs, but also to carry out regular maintenance in an appropriate and efficient manner.