Need a last minute makeup artist? Dona Rosa has it!
Dona Rosa

How many times have we scheduled a special event in the agenda, but time passes, we forget and, before we know it, the time comes and we still don't have a makeup artist? Well, Dona Rosa is the quickest and most effective solution to this problem. And she gives you six possible scenarios in which you'll need an emergency appointment:
- Romantic date: let's say you're on a dating app and suddenly you get a match. You arrange a coffee or dinner on the spot and want to make a good first impression;
- Show: whether it's a dance or singing competition, the arts world is full of glamour and it's essential to show up on point!
- Outing with friends: you are going out with friends and you need your makeup ready to withstand the spotlight and hours of sweat.
- Company dinner: you always go to work formal and with the same natural look and you want to turn the chairs of your colleagues at dinner with a bold makeup.
- Festival/concert: the competition for who has the brightest and most out-of-the-box look is real and the makeup artists won't let you down.
- Updating Instagram photos: We're increasingly under pressure to look great on social media and good makeup is the extra ingredient for a perfect pic!
For any situation, Dona Rosa will come to your home to give you the solution.